Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ira Glass on Storytelling

Check this out! It's worth the twenty or so minutes. Ira Glass speaks at the Gel Conference on personal narrative and how it hooks us inside and out. I love the radio show, This American Life, and was therefore drawn to this site for the purpose of a casual perusal, quick glance at what's happening out there. 

What I found was a very informative, emotional discussion of how storytelling is an inside job.
It's tentacles tend to hook from the very deepest part of us...a true inside job!

If you're like me...a real story junkie, you'll love every minute of it!


Jennifer Thermes said...

I love Ira Glass. He also has a series of interviews about story craft on You Tube. Thanks for posting this! :-)

gael lynch said...

Thanks, Jen. I stumbled upon it, but was mesmerized by it. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for letting me know!